♟ i don't actually know anything about poetry or how to write it. i just like pretty words.
As a child, I was fascinated by fire.
I almost fell into a fireplace once.
Five-year-old me wanted to capture the flames.
Without a doubt, it was all foreshadowing.
Later, that morbid curiosity switched to apathy.
I became a stubborn hothead: spiny, snappish, and sour.
At the time, it wasn’t much of a problem.
They all thought it was hormones; I knew better.
In my twenties, I was always alone.
“I’m sorry” is all I needed to say,
But I couldn’t get the words to come out.
Instead, I stayed quiet. Instead, I ran.
Leave it to the arsonist to burn all their bridges, am I right?
Now don’t get me wrong, I am capable of kindness,
But my incendiary nature is still present
Because my tongue is always so rash and so heartless.
I cause chemical reactions. Greek fire comes from gas.
They say 1 in 20 people live in the danger zone of a volcano.
I could name two dozen of them off the top of my head.
Today, you might call me Pyro,
But I’ve always been someone else
(i absolutely hate this poem. i tried to do some storyteeling but it didn't turn out how i wanted it to)
- ERREUR 404
Je vois son reflet dans la glace
Puis, par exception, je la brise
Je la salue, mais elle s'efface
Je lui parle, mais elle m'ignore
Je suis prisonnier d'une peau qui ne m'appartient pas
Impossible de continuer, inapte à prendre sa place
Je lui supplie de rester, elle ne veut rien savoir
Même à genoux, elle m'ignore
Ses souvenirs sont flous, mais précieux
Si seulement ils étaient les miens
Je lui en impose, elle me laisse faire
Crise de nerfs, elle m'ignore
Son cadavre est devenu marionnette
Mon existence; le bateau de Thésée
Où finit-elle et où commencé-je?
J'aimerais avoir son avis, elle m'ignore
Avant, j'espérais qu'elle me reviendrait
À présent, j'ai abandonné le projet
Semblable à faire le deuil d'un comateux
Ma flamme d'espoir s'atténue, elle s'étouffe
Elle mérite toujours qu'on lui compose un requiem
Personne ne doit remarquer son absence tout de même
Et quand je serais complètement seul à le savoir
J'aimerais un moment de silence en sa mémoire
Désormais, elle sera incapable de m'ignorer
(this was an assignment for french class and i ended up really liking it so here ya go!)
if you ever confront her about it she'll tell you
it's my job as your sister to tease you like that
it's my job to make you feel inferior
it's my job to tell you that you're worthless
it's my job to make your like miserable
come on, don't be like that
you know i didn't mean it like that
she'll smile and tell you you're imagining it
you're exaggerating
then, the cycle restarts
she'll confort you then call you names
she'll hang out with you then yell at you
she'll suggest a song to you then hit you
she won't change and she won't apologize
she isn't completely at fault though
and you're not the first one to feel like this
and you won't be the last one to feel like this
- She always seems to talk to me with extra caution.
For this, i have only myself to blame.
No matter how much i wish i could change,
Self-sabotage always seems like the better option.